Just 10 years eight 2021 girls soccer Lakeview seniors stepped onto the field together for the first time. Way back in third grade Alexa Dorma, Allison Augustine, Emma Kubic, Callia Paolucci, Caitee Kachurik, Sydney Dobler, Melanie Wolf, and Hanna Mathews all joined forces to become the great team they are today.
A team that has been playing for such a long time must have a strong feeling about it, certainly, Paolucci does, “It’s hard to believe that we all stuck together for these 10 years and no one has quit on each other. We all have put in the work to get to where we are today.”
Some may describe it as one big family. Kachurik even describes it as fun and special to her. “It’s a lot of fun and special knowing we have been able to grow up together and play a game we all love and it makes it that much easier on the field because we know each other so well!”
Changing the past is an almost impossible thing to do, and when asked of Dorma, Paolucci, Kubic, Mathews, Augustine, and Kachurik they wouldn’t have changed a thing about it.
That leaves Dobler and Wolf, both of whom have something they would change.
Dobler said ,“I wouldn’t have quit my freshman year.”
Wolf said, “Only thing I would change was I would have put in more work than I did.”
Throughout the years the girls have made some very fun memories together. YAYSL, Youngstown Area Youth Soccer League, was a league that the group was a part of when they were younger, just around middle school, that held tournaments the girls would play in.
Three out of the eight said that their favorite memory was playing at those tournaments, especially Kachurik, “Winning our last tournament in YAYSL against Poland was my favorite memory because it was the first tournament we ever won.”
Another silly memory shared by the girls came from Wolf, “Callia spraining my ankle in like 6th grade or playing with Rachel Danklefsen, Taylor Garvin and Anna Peterson.”
For the final thought, the eight girls were given the hardest question of all, “Will you miss playing with each other once it’s all over?” The answers were unanimous, they all agreed they would miss it.
Kubic especially would miss it all, “I will definitely miss playing with them. I will miss the bond the most. Bye, everyone!”
Augustine would agree with that when she exclaimed, “Of course I will miss it and probably the chemistry between all of us.”
Being together all the time made them a lot closer and Mathews will in fact miss that too, “I will definitely miss playing with them, and what I will miss most is gossiping with my defenders during games.”
With the decade coming to a close, this will not be the end of friendships. A pack like this is one for a lifetime.