Senior Callia Paolucci has attended Lakeview her entire life and has been a part of quite a few activities in and out of school. She is on the soccer team, National Honors Society, Youth-led Prevention, Youth Ministry, and TC United soccer club. Paolucci is also a working woman, spending her Saturdays and Sundays at the B&K farm market cutting fruit.
Paolucci is a strong soccer player and has been for 11 years. The first word that comes to her mind when thinking about soccer is “excitement”. Although she shares so many great memories that have to do with soccer, it wasn’t always exciting.
She explained, “This was my junior year. We were playing in a preseason tournament at Boardman, it was our second game of the day and I was put into a new position, holding mid. I was dribbling the ball and collided with a player on the other team and her knee hit the inside of my knee, it was instant pain and I fell to the ground. Later on, after many doctor’s appointments, I found out I tore my ACL.”
This didn’t stop Paolucci from playing the following year. By working with her knee after surgery with Lakeview Athletic Trainer Mark Wilson she was able to come back in time to play the first game of her senior year.
Paolucci is also a strong student. She started taking college credit plus classes as a junior and continued them this year. She was accepted into National Honors Society as a junior and still remains in it today. Once graduated, Paolucci plans on attending OU or YSU to get her pre-med undergrad and then study to become a physician assistant.
Paolucci may forever reminisce on some memories from high school including, “Seeing my besties at school every day and having fun in class.”
Paolucci has a bright future ahead of her and we look forward to seeing what she accomplishes. Good luck in all that you do. #Bestie