New Year, Better Lakeview?

January 22, 2017
With the approach of the new school taking place of the elementary and middle school, Lakeview will be going through some big changes. To begin, the school year of 2017 will end as usual at the end of May, but in the fall, students will return on August 14th.
Many see this as crazy because it will be costing the students a portion of their precious three months of summer vacation and the fact that the building will be hotter for an extra week than usual. But that is really the only down side of next year’s schedule because students will then get out early on May 16th, 2018 (if there are no calamity days) and possibly won’t start school until after Labor Day 2018. To do the math, that means four months of summer.
With the new schedule also comes two big changes that many students may like or dislike: midterms before winter break and, since the year is starting earlier, students will have more time to prepare for their end of course exams to earn points toward graduation.
These changes may been seen as bad in some people’s eyes but in the teachers’ and students’ that know the hardship of these tests, they will be grateful to Robert Wilson and faculty for these changes. But for all these changes to happen, it all revolves around the new building.
According to Lawrence Herrholtz , “The new building is a 21st century building based a round 21st century teaching ideals.” The world is changing and education at Lakeview will soon be changing at a much quicker rate than in recent years. Just as students are now doing more group work then ever before, teachers will be coming together to collaborate on teaching larger groups of students a single subject. Students will be able to receive better specialization on a subject than if they were a small group in a room with one teacher.
This new building is designed to put Lakeview into the slot of number one school in the area with its teaching ideologies and excellent resources for students to reach their full potential.