Kennedy Bartlett has been a Lakeview student her whole life. From the beginning of preschool to now, she has always been a Bulldog. While at Lakeview, Bartlett has accomplished many great academic and athletic achievements.
With the school year coming to an end, Bartlett has decided to continue her academic career at the Ohio State University. Here, she will study biology on a pre-professional track for medicine. Although Bartlett is beyond excited to start the next chapter of her life, she is nervous about leaving her home and the people she loves the most.
With this thought in the back of her mind, Bartlett will never forget her high school years. When reminiscing on her favorite parts of Lakeview, she said “The thing that I will remember most is its sense of community. Since it’s a smaller school, I am able to know almost anyone I pass in the hallways or be greeted by any staff member I might walk by. Everyone knows everyone, and it helps me feel seen. Since I’m going to a huge school next year, the environment will be completely different, so I am always going to appreciate Lakeview and the bonds it has allowed me to form.”
Bartlett has had a huge impact on Lakeview athletics throughout the years. She participated in the volleyball and softball teams, helping her team succeed in high-tense situations.
When asked about her favorite athletic memory, Bartlett had much to say. Although it was hard picking one, she claimed, “My favorite sports memory would be when the volleyball team won the district championship my senior season. Words cannot describe how amazing it was to see all of our hard work pay off and make history for the school. The best part is that I was able to do this with my best friends by my side.”
With this year being her last, Bartlett has learned so much about herself and the people around her. When asked to give an underclassman advice, her immediate response was to “Always give your all in whatever you do, but make sure you find time for yourself and have fun. Enjoy these exciting years of your life because they will be over before you know it.”
Lakeview creates more than just school memories. When asked about her favorite out-of-school moments, Bartlett stated, “My favorite out-of-school memory with my classmates was the Solar Eclipse event we had on the football field. The whole community got together to see this once-in-a-lifetime event, and it was so fun to watch it with people from my school and hometown.”
Although Bartlett is an outstanding student, her inspirations have carried her along the way. Motivation comes in many forms, but for Bartlett, her biggest inspiration is her Nana.
When asked about her biggest influence, Bartlett expressed, “The person who has inspired me the most throughout my high school career would be my Nana. Although she passed away during my junior year, I still carry the hope she had for me every day. She always made me believe in myself and made me feel like I could do anything I set my mind to.” Her Nana was a huge part of her life and continues to inspire her every day.
Senior year is a huge part of every student’s life. This year highlights all the accomplishments and improvements that person has made over their 12 years of education. Sometimes, taking a second to reflect on the little things reminds us of how special this time has been. Now that Bartlett’s school year is coming to an end, there are many exciting things to look forward to! As she takes her next steps at the Ohio State University, Lakeview wishes her the best of luck!