Lakeview dribbles through January

January 23, 2017
Basketball is in full swing at Lakeview. The boys have a record of 7-7 and girls 9-6. Many athletes are thrilled with their progress and team.
Senior, Austin Shortreed says, “We’re about half way through the season, and I can’t wait to end my senior year strong. I believe we put our all on the court and will continue to do so.” The boys recently won big against Niles and Boardman.
The girls are getting more support than ever before. The pep band has recently decided to cheer on the girls in addition to the boys at their home games. Senior, Madison Meeker says, “I really appreciate the pep band and more of our students showing their support at girls basketball games like they do for the boys sports. It makes games so much more enjoyable when we have fans out there.”
The Lady Bulldogs have earned some big wins by defeating Howland 56-44 and Poland 45-41. The team has been working very hard to rack up their wins before tournaments. Senior, Cammie Becker says, “Our success last year pushes us to work even harder this year.” Their motivation and determination helps them come out on top.
The girls’ tight bond also helps them push further into the season. Senior, Leah Franks says, “Win or lose, we always come together as a team and that’s what matters when it comes to tournaments.”
Boys and girls, the Bulldogs continue to do their best and push themselves on the court.