Jacob Andrew Langmeyer is a Senior at Lakeview High School. He is a proud member of his senior class soon to graduate this spring! Jake Langmeyer has done many things during his high school career but some are definitely more noteworthy than others. For starters, Jake has earned a varsity letter in band, three varsity letters in cross country, three varsity letters in track and field, and four academic letters. If this doesn’t scream athletic prowess I am not sure what does. Some of Jake’s other hobbies include poker, the stock market, shooting pool, skiing, and cooking.
Jake has participated in many sports throughout high school but he didn’t always enjoy them since they took away from what he was truly good at.
Langmeyer stated, “If I could go back to freshman year I would choose not to play football or baseball. Instead, I would start my career as a runner sooner and earn the 4th letters I am missing from Cross Country and Track and Field. I think another year of training would make me better than I already am at running.”
Compared to other schools Lakeview certainly has its own perks and Jake loves using the perks to excel academically and athletically.
Langmeyer concluded, “One of the things I will remember about Lakeview is that they allow CCP students to leave. This is an absolute game changer and improves your life in so many ways. Being able to go home during your lunch period not only lets you get in a quality meal but it also allows me to enjoy my personal hobby which is cooking.”
Jake is a lover of music. Not rap and hip hop but jazz and concert band music.
Langmeyer revealed, “The teacher that has influenced me the most is Mr. Sensabaugh. I’ve had 2 periods with him for 3 years and band was really important to my high school career. I really enjoyed being able to play the sax and participate in many different ensembles and jazz bands. Band has also kept me close to some of my best friends.”
The seniors at Lakeview are always most influential to the students in other grades and Jakes older friends were no exception.
Langmeyer noted, “Zac Haley and EJ Paucar are the two who inspired me the most early in high school. Zac Haley was my role model for running and really brought the team together. EJ was a sick sax player and that also inspired me to stay in band and keep getting better.”
Jake has participated in many events, arts, and sports throughout his career. As you can imagine this leaves him with a lot of heartfelt memories. There is one memory in particular that he holds dearest.
Langmeyer stated, “My all time favorite high school memory is the Cross Country State meet 2024. It was a really fun time and the best race I have been in. I got a personal record and felt amazing during the race. The team even got to miss school and was given a clap out. My 2nd favorite memory is definitely the ski club trip to Lake Placid. It was the most beautiful place I’ve been to by far and the powder was great.”
Jake’s current obsession is playing cash card games with his friends.
Langmeyer said, “One of the best out of school memories I have is being part of a Royal straight flush in poker.”
Jake is a very likable person and has acquired many friends throughout high school.
Mason Wheeler, one of Jake’s teammates and closest friends, revealed, “Jake is truly a great guy and a really great friend. I am super proud of all the things Jakes has been able to accomplish in his running career and musical career alike. We’ve been through a lot of tough times together and I’m glad to be his friend.”
Jake has a firm idea on what he’s doing after high school.
Langmeyer revealed, “I’m going to Youngstown State University for electrical engineering and I’m very excited to move on.”
I wish Jake good luck for the rest of his senior year and his future!