With senior year coming to an end, we like to recognize our seniors and their accomplishments. This senior spotlight is featuring Arianna Powell. Powell has attended Lakeview for 12 years. Her years being a Bulldog have greatly impacted her life.
When asked how Lakeview has changed her, Powell responded, “I’ve been at Lakeview since Kindergarten and it has shaped a lot of things about me. I’ve learned not only things academically but I also learned more about myself.”
Many memories were gained throughout the 12 years she has attended Lakeview. When asked what is one thing she will remember most about Lakeview, Powell responded, “The thing I’ll remember most about Lakeview is the people, whether it’s the people I grew up with or the people who helped us through that process.”
Additionally, Powell has also had the experience of getting to meet and be taught by many Lakeview teachers. When asked what teacher has influenced her the most, Powell replied, “The teacher that influenced me the most would have to be Mrs.Graeser. As my English teacher through all of middle school, she helped me through a lot. She always treated all of her students with respect and I think that helped me to mature. She also genuinely cared for her students and made sure we knew that.”
There are many traditional events that are put on for the seniors to help them enjoy their final year of high school. Although many have already occurred, Powell is remaining excited for future events. Powell stated, “I have probably been most excited for the senior trip. I’m hoping that it’s something we can all enjoy and looking forward to everyone being there.”
With graduation rapidly approaching, Powell reflects on the difficulties she overcame during her final months in high school. Powell admitted, “The most difficult part of senior year is definitely figuring out where to go from here. After years of being told I have time to figure it out, that’s still in the back of my head. It’s going to be challenging to leave what’s familiar and work out my plans for the future.”
12 years of schooling leaves lots of time for inspiration to spark. When asked who or what inspired her the most, Powell stated, “In high school, Mr. Murphy has inspired me the most. He told me ‘You’re smart and you’re good with people. You really could do anything you wanted after high school.’ It stuck with me and gave me reassurance that no dream will be too big.”
As a senior, students often reflect on what they have learned from their years in high school. When asked what advice she would give to underclassmen, Powell stated, “Take advantage of your time here, because it’s over so quickly. Go to as many events as possible and make as many memories as you can with your friends.”
Powell’s years at Lakeview have left her with an abundance of memories. She participated in many sports and extracurricular activities. “Some of my favorite sports memories happened during cross country practice my freshman and sophomore year. One thing I enjoyed most is ski club. I learned from my friends for the first time just last year and I’ve loved it since.”
Senior year is often one of the most important years for many students. With new beginnings ahead, Powell will never forget her time here at Lakeview. When asked what she will miss the most, Powell expressed, “The people. I’ll miss my classmates and teachers, and most of all I’ll miss being able to see my friends almost every day.”
At last, senior year is winding down. Many seniors know what their next step is after highschool. Powell asserted, “I want to go to college and I am currently deciding between a few I’ve been accepted to. I’ll most likely major in business, but I’m still looking into all my options for now. It’s been a stressful process but I just have to trust that change is a good thing in this case, and do my best to navigate it!”
Powell has made a great influence on lots of her peers. One of her closest friends, Brielle Redd, was able to tell us more about her. Redd shared, “Arianna and I have been friends since first grade. Ever since, we have made a lot of memories together and built a strong friendship. I am very thankful that I met Arianna because her friendship has influenced me a lot as we grew up.”
Goodluck Arianna on the rest of your senior year and best wishes for your plans after graduation!