One of our seniors, Mason Wheeler is a part of this year’s Senior spotlight! Wheeler has grown and accomplished so much throughout his high school career, and is very eager to graduate. Wheeler is beloved by so many, his friends, teachers, family, etc. I could imagine he’s been such an inspiration to the younger students!
As our seniors get closer and closer to graduation, they tend to reflect on previous years, their growth and their mistakes. I’m sure every senior would do something different if they could go back in time. Wheeler says, “If I could go back to freshman year, I would start planning for college sooner. The college search has definitely been a hassle, and I know I could’ve made it easier on myself If I had started sooner.”
This is great advice to the underclassmen, while you have a lot of time to start planning your future, it never hurts to start a little sooner! Another piece of advice Wheeler has for the younger students is to, “Stop caring so much about what other people think.”
The high school experience can be transformative, and offers new opportunities, extracurriculars, and friendship. Lakeview strives to benefit our students and have a long lasting impact on our perspectives and values. Wheeler claims, “Lakeview has made me a more intelligent and well versed person. I now possess confidence and knowledge I feel I would’ve missed out on had I gone to another school.”
Throughout high school Wheeler was motivated through his friends and his teachers. Wheeler shares, “The teacher that has influenced me the most is Mrs. Miller. She made me realize how much I enjoy mathematics and that is one of the key reasons why I want to be an engineer. Zac Haley was also a huge inspiration for me. He pushed me both athletically and academically and I wouldn’t be the same person I am today without him.”
Wheeler has also spent a good portion of his high school career running for Lakeview’s teams. This was his favorite school activity to participate in. Wheeler states, “I was most excited for my final cross country season and the opportunity to go to the state meet.”
Another one of Wheeler’s favorite school activities was Ski club, “Without it I never would’ve learned to snowboard and snowboarding is now one of my favorite winter activities.”
The memories Wheeler plans on holding onto most is the countless memories he made playing track, and spending time with his track team. Wheeler expresses, “The thing I will remember most vividly is my career as a cross country runner. I was lucky enough to have teammates that pushed me and grew into my best friends throughout high school. Running certainly taught me a lot and I’m sure I’ll never forget it. And the team dinners the cross country team held each year will always hold a special place in my heart. We would usually eat and play backyard football all night.”
While Wheeler wraps up his final year at Lakeview, the things he’s going to miss most are, “My classmates and friends. Unfortunately everyone will be going different places so I won’t see very many of them anymore.”
Wheeler is pushing through his final year of high school. Being the last year of high school, Wheeler speaks about his senior year, “The most difficult part of senior year is staying engaged and motivated. With graduation so close it’s easy to get lazy.”
For our 2025 graduating senior class, graduation is just around the corner. Don’t get lazy!! Take these last few months seriously! You’re so close to graduating and taking the next big step in your lives. For Wheeler, his next step in life is, “Going to college for engineering. I am super excited to go to college and see what new things I experience.”
Congratulations for being on our top dog, Mason! We wish you the best of luck.