Beginning in her sophomore year and continuing to the present day, Lorelai Lowe has been a dedicated member of Lakeview’s community. While at Lakeview, Lowe has accomplished many great academic and athletic achievements while participating in track and soccer.
As Lowe’s senior year of high school is coming to a close, she has decided to continue her education at the nearby Kent State University. With great excitement, Lowe is counting down the days until the school year concludes, thrilled at the prospect of enjoying her final summer as a high school student before graduation.
Even though she feels this way, Lowe will never forget the memories she made while at Lakeview. When looking back on one thing, she will never forget, Lowe said, “One thing about Lakeview that I will remember most would be the girls’ soccer team. I met most of my friends through soccer and I had a lot of fun during most of that time.”
Lowe, a key player for the girls’ soccer team, made significant contributions to the team’s success by leading in goals scored. Her high school years involved more than just soccer; she was also a dedicated member of the track team, actively participating in a variety of events, including relays and individual competitions.
As this is Lowe’s final year of competing, she is eagerly anticipating the challenges and triumphs that the upcoming track season will bring. She states, “My favorite sport would be track. I’m not thrilled about running, but I love the coach and especially my teammates.”
Lowe also shared that one of her favorite memories outside of sports and school was “when me and the long distance track girls would hangout after school. We would stay up late and make food and go in Nora’s hot tub and listen to music.”
Junior Nora Lewis, a close friend and teammate of Lowe says, “I will miss Lorelai so much; we made so many amazing memories together from playing on the soccer field together and running at the track meets. It will be hard to do these things without her next year, but at least we will have these last three years to look back on.”
As her senior year comes to an end, Lowe looks back on her time and wishes she “knew to just have fun and not care what everyone else thinks.” She also feels “Lakeview has made me more outgoing, and I have had more personal growth within myself. I’ve made a lot of new friendships that I will forever cherish.”
Even though Lowe is eager to graduate, she still emphasizes “the most difficult part will be coming to terms with moving out and leaving my family, especially my siblings. However, I know that this move is a necessary step towards growth and independence, and I hope that even though we will be apart, our bond will remain strong.”
Lowe has a well-defined and coherent plan already mapped out for her future career and life goals.
Lowe reveals, “my next step in life is going to Kent State University. I am majoring in Political Science and I am more likely going to minor in Pre-Law to set myself up for law school. I am nervous, but I am also excited. I have wanted to start this chapter of my life for so long.“
Lowe has had an amazing high school experience, from all the sports memories, to the relationships she has built. She will never forget about her time in Lakeview. We wish Lorelai the best of luck in her future, and congratulate her for being Lakeview’s Top Dog!!