With senior year coming to an end, we like to recognize the seniors on their accomplishments at Lakeview High School. This senior spotlight is featuring senior Adrienne Rich. Rich has been attending Lakeview since she was in Kindergarten. During the past 12 years at Lakeview, Rich has been greatly impacted, involved, and goal-driven.
Lakeview has changed many people and set them up for success, especially Rich: “Lakeview has definitely opened me up to try new things. My freshman year I was a majorette, which is something I never would have imagined doing when I was younger. My senior year I also joined tennis, which is something I have never done before. Lakeview has also opened me up and made me more social.”
Looking back to freshman year, Rich wishes she didn’t “take my times in high school for granted. You don’t realize how fast they go until they are almost over.”
Rich has been a cheerleader all four years of high school as well as a majorette for 2 years. Being a part of these squads will be something that Rich will cherish forever. Rich adds, “The one thing that I will always remember about Lakeview is Friday Night football games. This is where I made some of my favorite high school memories that I will never forget.”
Rich always seemed to enjoy Friday night football games most of all. She adds, “Friday night football games have been some of my favorite memories throughout high school. Being a majorette my freshman and sophomore years and a cheerleader my junior and senior. I made memories that will last forever. One memory that I will always remember is the fourth quarter during football games, when we all get to come together in front of the student section.”
Many memories have been gathered throughout Rich’s senior year including all the dances. She states, “Before senior year I was most excited for my last school dances and last football games because those were some of my favorite parts of high school.”
Rich has made countless memories throughout high school with her friends especially at some of her last high school dances: “One of my favorite memories from this year was at the end of winter wonders when our senior song was playing and I was with all of my best friends.”
Even though there have been many memories and good times throughout Rich’s senior year, there are also many difficult things to accept. Rich adds, “I think the most difficult part of senior year is how close it gets to graduation, and realizing how different everything is going to be in six months.”
Throughout all four years of high school at Lakeview, many people have influenced Rich. For example, she says chemistry teacher Joshua Murphy influenced her most and supported her. Rich states, “Mr. Murphy has influenced me the most throughout high school, having him for two years out of four I have really gotten to know him. He is a really supportive teacher and gives every student a chance.”
In addition to Rich being greatly influenced by Mr. Murphy, she has also been inspired by many of her peers. Rich feels that she learned numerous lessons throughout high school. Rich adds, “My best friends have inspired me the most throughout high school. They have taught me so many things throughout my four years, that I will carry with me forever. Along with the countless memories made over the weekends.”
One of Rich’s closest friends, Katie Wutrick, adds, “Adrienne and I have made some of the best memories throughout our four years of high school together. These memories are something I will always cherish and never forget.”
Being a student at Lakeview High School for 12 years and having to graduate to continue Rich’s education can be both exciting and challenging. Rich wants to tell the underclassmen, “Don’t take your time for granted, because your high school years will be over before you know it.”
After spending all of her education at Lakeview there are numerous things Rich is going to miss. Rich states, “One thing I am going to miss about Lakeview is the supportive staff and teachers at Lakeview. They have taught me so many things that I will never forget.”
After graduation, Rich states, “I plan to attend Miami University to major in nursing and become a nurse practitioner later on. I have very mixed feelings about graduating and moving away. It is really sad moving away from all of my friends, but it is also really exciting to start my new chapter and get to experience many new things.”
Best of luck to our senior Adrienne Rich! We wish you all the best with the rest of your senior year and plans after graduation!