Mara Schmader, a senior at Lakeview High School has been here since kindergarten! Schmader has made numerous accomplishments such as her volleyball career and academic accomplishments.
When asked how Lakeview has changed her she states, “Lakeview has shaped me into the person I am. The teachers and people are what motivate me into being a hard worker.”
Schmader has played volleyball since middle school, she has really cherished this team and loved being a part of it. It has shown her how to be a hard worker and really put in the work to get the best results.
One thing Schmader says she will remember most about Lakeview is, “One thing I will remember about Lakeview is the people. The friends I have made here will last a lifetime and they are a part of every good memory I will have of high school. The teachers here are also what I will remember the most about Lakeview because they helped me become the person and student I am today.”
Schmader would like to recognize a teacher that has really made a positive impact on Schmader’s career was anatomy teacher Maureen Bucko, Schmader states, “I would say that Miss Bucko is who influenced me the most because she made me realize which subject I am the strongest in and made me the confident student I am today.”
Schmader has made so many memories with her friends throughout her high school career. Hanging out with her friends is one of her favorite things to do. She has had some of the best times with her friends doing activities such as going to football and basketball games. She says how she will forever miss doing the themes and going to the football games.
Schmader also talks about the things she was most excited about in the beginning of the school year. She states “At the beginning of my final school year, I was most excited for homecoming and prom because it is the last high school dances I will ever have and it is a fun time to make memories with your friends.”
Schmader talks about how excited she is for prom, she can’t wait to wear the dress she got and go to her last ever highschool dance.
Schmader also talks about her favorite parts of her senior year so far. She states “So far my favorite highlight of senior year was when me and the volleyball team won districts because it was one of the most fun games I have ever played with my teammates.”
She really cherished having such an amazing season with a great team! She says how she will never forget this season and how much of an amazing team she had.
Schmader also talks about the most difficult parts of her high school career. She states, “The most difficult part about senior year is thinking about how everyone will go to their own college and part ways because I won’t be able to see my friends every day like I do now at school.” Schmader expresses how much she is going to miss her friends.
Schmader also talks about the inspiration she has had all throughout high school that really helped her and gave her so much guidance through high school. She states “I would say that my sister has inspired me throughout my high school career because she has always been a role model for me and has always inspired me to do as much as she did.”
Lastly, Schmader wants to give the underclassmen some advice for continuing their high school career. She says “Some advice I would give to underclassmen would be to focus on your school in the beginning because you don’t want to regret it at the end, but to also appreciate every moment because your senior year will be here before you know it.”
She is planning on continuing her academics at Kent State University. Good luck Mara and best of wishes for your future after high school!