Griffin James Oravec is a proud Lakeview senior. Oravec has certainly kept himself busy with many extracurriculars and activities throughout high school. Oravec has four letters in varsity Cross Country, four letters in varsity Track, and one letter in varsity soccer which he earned as a freshman. Oravec’s academics are also on point. He has one of the highest GPAs in the class and has earned several academic letters. Oravec also has an adventurous nature. Some of his hobbies include swimming through flooded ravines, poker, and snowboarding.
Oravec relied on his friends to get him though the hardships of school. However, there’s one thing he wishes he’d realized sooner.
Oravec revealed, “I will remember the times I had with my friends. Just joking and messing around with them in class was always a fun time and I won’t forget it. However, I wish I would have known that as long as you do the work then school is not that hard.”
Despite all of the teachers and coaches Oravec had, there was one that stood out above all the others.
Oravec stated, “The teacher that influenced me the most is Mr Voorhies. He has been my Cross Country and Track coach for almost four years and he was my teacher and he has pushed me past my limits and made me who I am today.”
Oravec is well known for his hardcore participation in spirit week. He often strutted wild and unexpected costumes that matches various spirit week themes. He also has a passion for dancing and loves when homecoming comes around each year.
Oravec explained, “I was most excited for Homecoming week. It is always a great time to watch the football game, participate in the spirit week, and have a fun homecoming night.”
Oravec shares a close bond with his cross country teammates and this year was especially important for them.
Oravec concluded, “So far my favorite highlight of senior year is when our Cross Country team made it to the state meet. We had been training for a very long time to qualify for the state meet, and fell short by seconds multiple times. Finally accomplishing this achievement made all the running and training worth it.”
Despite all the fun activities and events that come along with senior year it is still another difficult year of schooling.
Oravec revealed, “The most difficult part of senior year is the struggle of present and future challenges. On top of thinking about what you are going to do after high school, you still have to worry about the heavy amount of school work you are assigned.”
School and running can be hard things to push through and that’s why it is important to be inspired and allow someone to lift you up. Oravec certainly had some people he looked up to.
Oravec stated, “I think Zac Haley and Anthony Marble Salem have inspired me the most. These two are both very hard working people, and I looked up to Zac when I was an underclassmen. Anthony is constantly working and it seems like there is nothing that can stop him, no matter what the obstacle is.”
Oravec has worked for most of his high school career but one fateful day at Burger King will always stick with him.
Oravec explained, “My favorite out of school memory was when Jake Langemeyer only had 31 chicken nuggets ready instead of 32 at Burger King, which led to pure chaos. The missing nugget caused the drive through line to back up which led to the manager starting to cry.”
Mason Wheeler is one of Oravecs close friends and teammates. Naturally he had a lot of positive things to say about Oravec.
Wheeler revealed, “Griffin is a really strong guy. I’ve never seen someone with a competitive spirit as strong as his. One thing I know for certain is Griffin hates to lose. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the classroom, track, or Cross country course you can be assured that Griffin will try to beat you. He’s also a really smart and caring guy and I’m happy to have him as a friend.”
Oravec’s impressive high school career is going to be followed by an even more impressive college career.
Oravec proclaimed, “I am going to Youngstown State University, in which I am majoring in Civil Engineering. I am nervous for how hard college life will be, but I am confident I will be successful.”
I wish Oravec the best of luck for his future in college and life!