Senior Olivia Petrilla is approaching the end of her 12 years here at Lakeview. Although Petrilla is sad to see it all end, she’s excited for what the future has in store for her.
Petrilla has been a Bulldogs cheerleader for four years. In addition to cheering, she participates in golf, the Junior and Senior Executive Committee, the Spanish club, and Junior Beta.
Throughout high school, Petrilla states that her favorite club memories come from cheerleading: “Cheerleading gave me so many new friendships and bonds and helped me be an active member of the community. It was so much fun being able to support our sports teams. From Friday night football games to summer practices, cheerleading has given me so many memorable moments.”
She also noted that some of her favorite in-school memories include cheer as well: “My favorite in-school memory would be cheering at pep rallies and promoting attendance to football games. Pep rallies are always really fun and a nice way to get everyone involved with school spirit.”
As her senior year winds down, Petrilla reflects on the times and people who have shaped her high school experiences. With so many new experiences, Petrilla wishes she knew more as a freshman.
If there was one thing she wished she could tell her freshman-year self, it would be to “just enjoy everything a lot more. Most of high school I have been so concerned about grades and building up my college resume that I didn’t have time to just live in the moment, which I regret.”
Teachers do their best every day to help students in every way. One teacher who influenced Petrilla the most would be anatomy teacher Maureen Bucko. Petrilla mentions how Bucko’s classes “are engaging, fun, and I feel like her style of teaching has helped prepare me for college the best. She also wants every one of her students to succeed in her class and is willing to help in any way she can.”
Being in high school can be filled with stress and uncertainty. Having someone who makes a positive influence can help in the biggest ways, even when they aren’t around physically.
Throughout high school, Petrilla always looked up to her sister, Izzi: “My sister has been the biggest inspiration for me throughout high school. She lives in Pittsburgh so it has always been a good motivation for me to do well in school so I could eventually join her. Overall, she has always been extremely supportive of me and helped me throughout everything.”
As someone who has known her plans after high school, maintaining concentration in school can be rough.
Petrilla noted that the most difficult part of senior year was “maintaining focus after I was already accepted and committed to college. After the second half of senior year hit it was really hard for me to not focus on the future and instead just cherish the time I had left with my friends.”
It’s important to stay positive during senior year amidst the many emotions that arise. Senior year is filled with many “lasts”, whether it’s homecoming, prom, or taking that last and final walk on stage.
For Petrilla, senior sunrise and sunset mark a very exciting moment, stating “Sunrise marked the beginning of senior year and gave everyone something to be excited for. Sunset will be a great time to see everyone together one last time.”
Petrilla’s positive influence can be seen throughout all of her years at Lakeview. One of her closest friends, Lacie Diemert, was new to Lakeview freshman year. She noted how Petrilla made her feel included and welcome to Lakeview and made her experience the best it could be.
Diemert shared, “I met Olivia our freshman year when I was brand new and she really helped me fit in and quickly adjust to Lakeview. It is bittersweet to go our separate ways but I am thankful for our friendship and the memories we shared throughout high school!”
With four years under her belt, Petrilla has learned so much about herself and the people around her.
Petrilla’s best piece of advice for underclassmen would be “Don’t stress too much about grades! Although grades are important, they aren’t the only thing colleges look at and they aren’t something to sacrifice your well-being for. As long as you try your best, things will always work out. The teachers at Lakeview are always willing to help you so if you find yourself struggling don’t hesitate to use your resources!”
Petrilla will attend Chatham University in Pittsburgh, PA, where she will be studying biology on the pre-med track in hopes of obtaining a bachelor’s degree. Exploring outside of the city you know most can be scary to some, but Petrilla ensures that she is ready and very excited for what the future holds. Good luck, Olivia!