Senior Gage Woofter has had a great impact on Lakeview High School. As a member of the football team, track and field team, and golf team, he has been an admirable asset to our Lakeview spots. Woofter also has a 3.8 grade point average, making him not only a great team player, but also an amazing scholar. Woofter shared what he has learned from twelve years at Lakeview, and gave advice to underclassmen to help them follow in his footsteps.
Now that the Seniors are in their final stretch of their high school experience, they have a lot of advice to give from all they have learned the past four years. When asked what advice he would give to freshmen, Woofter stated, “Develop your hobbies, figure out what you like and what you’re good at. This will help you in the future finding out what you are passionate about and want to pursue as a career.”
Woofter has attended Lakeview since kindergarten. Attending Lakeview for so many years had a positive impact on his life. Woofter shared, “Lakeview has changed me by teaching me life lessons and educating me. I learned a lot academically from Lakeview, but I also learned a lot about myself.”
Lakeview has given Woofter a lot of memories throughout the years. When asked what he will remember most about Lakeview, Woofter expressed, “One thing I will remember most about Lakeview is our opportunity to take CCP classes. I think CCP classes have prepared me a lot for college courses, and have allowed me to get a head start on following my dreams.”
With only about two months left until graduation, Woofter is anticipating the upcoming events. When asked what he was most excited for, Woofter stated, “ I am most excited about our senior trip because it will be nice to have our entire grade be together and do something fun.”
As many seniors have observed, senior year is going by in the blink of an eye. Woofter has enjoyed many parts of his senior year but there’s one thing that has meant the most to him. Woofter shared, “My favorite part about senior year so far is spending time with my friends. Hanging out with friends is sentimental as a senior because we all know we are heading our separate ways soon.”
Keeping up with everything going on during senior year can become challenging. Many seniors are starting to experience “senioritis”- the commonly used term for a senior who is just waiting to graduate. Woofter stated, “The most difficult part of senior year is staying engaged with lots of assignments. It is easy to get off course when you know graduation is around the corner. It is also hard to accept that high school is finally coming to an end.”
Woofter has had many influential teachers throughout his years at Lakeview. When asked who influenced him the most, Woofter replied, “Mr. Romano has inspired me the most throughout high school by teaching me important life lessons and how to deal with finances and be financially responsible.”
As much fun as school can be, many students prefer their memories outside of school. When asked what his favorite out of school memory is, Woofter shared, “Hanging out at Ben Schmidt’s house is my favorite out of school memory. All of our friends always go there to just hang out and have a good time.”
Woofter was a big part in Lakeview athletics. The dedication he put towards sports left an impact on him as he looks back on his time as a Lakeview athlete. When asked what he was going to miss the most about high school, Woofter shared, “ I am going to miss sports and being a child with no responsibilities. Lakeview gave me a lot of opportunities to have fun like golfing, and playing football. At those times I felt free and like a kid just playing sports and having fun. Now that it is over, I definitely miss sportsmanship, teamwork, and freedom.”
Senior year is rapidly coming to an end. When asked about his next steps after high school, Woofter replied, “I currently don’t know for sure what my next step in life is, but I am confident that whatever I end up doing I will enjoy.”
Two of Woofter’s closest friends were able to share a little bit about him. Senior Dorian Jones has been friends with Woofter for many years. Jones said, “Gage has always been a good friend to me. He is someone I know I can always count on to be there for me no matter what. He always goes out of his way to help people and to be a good person. I will always be grateful to have him in my life.”
Michael Nigrin was also able to share about Woofter. Nigrin said, “Gage and I have been friends since kindergarten. We have grown up together and had each other’s backs for everything. Having Gage as my best friend made me the person I am today. We have gone through many milestones together, and I hope there are more to come.”
Good luck to Gage on his future goals and admirations, and thank you for your dedication to Lakeview athletics and academics!