With the end of the school year coming up, many things excite Addison Briell. Briell has been a member of the Lakeview School district for her entire life, starting from kindergarten, all the way to senior year. While at Lakeview, Addison has accomplished many athletic and academic achievements, being one of the top students in her class. Addison holds a 4.0 GPA and has lettered in Varsity Track and Field and also cheerleading. She is known to be very happy and a friendly person.
With graduation approaching, Addison is still uncertain on exactly where she is going after high school. She says, “The next step in my life is attending college and hopefully being on a collegiate dance team. Although I am definitely anxious about what the future holds, I’m excited for a change!”
It is hard to switch from high school to college life, and Briell understands that. She is excited for the change, and can not wait to see what the future holds for her.
Throughout Briell’s time at Lakeview, she has made many memories, and will forever hold on to these memories. When she was asked what she will remember most about Lakeview she said, “The friendships and memories made throughout the years because they are irreplaceable.”
Addison has made many friends throughout her time at Lakeview. Her favorite memory with her friends “The cheer cookout and scavenger hunt was a super fun team bonding experience. We all ate picnic food and played games before splitting into teams and racing to finish the scavenger hunt first. My team even ended up winning!”
Briell has been a cheerleader for three years and has also ran track and field for three years. She has also enjoyed cheerleading during football season and “was most excited for football season, specifically senior night because I had waited for senior night since I was a first-year cheerleader.”
Briell also reminisced on the time during a football game “junior year, our last away game of the football season, all the way at Beaver Local. When we arrived we discovered there was no track or designated area for us to cheer. Instead of making us sit there, our coach found a small area on the edge of the field to cheer at, but we had to be alert anytime the ball was thrown near us or we would get trampled by the players. It was a really fun and chaotic game and a unique experience I will never forget!”
Briell’s main activity though is dance. She has danced almost everyday for her entire high school life. Even though she does not talk about it much, she puts almost all of her energy into dance. She loves the sport, and wants to continue it after high school.
When looking back at her high school career, Briell has had many teachers and influences. Her biggest influence however was French teacher Kim Hartley. She says, “Madame Hartley by just being her sweet, bubbly self. If I was ever stressed or having a bad day she would always manage to brighten the mood. Her class was so fun and something to look forward to every day.”
High school flies by, and Briell agrees with that. If she had to go back and become a freshman again, she says she would “have put myself out there more. If I could go back I would have talked to more groups of people and made a better effort to participate in school activities and events.”
If she were to give advice to freshmen she would tell them “To focus on making yourself happy over pleasing others.”
Addison time at Lakeview has been nothing but amazing. She has made many memories and friends, and would not wish for it any other way. With her mindset and determination, she will be successful in any career she chooses to pursue.