Your Librarian is a Morning”Star”
February 13, 2017
It is fair to say that winning awards simply isn’t just an everyday ordeal for most people which is why it is such a big deal for our own librarian, Andria Morningstar-Gray.
The Dan MacLachlan Award was intended to be delivered to a school library media center specialist for library and information science graduates who have exhibited creativity, leadership, and dedication to the k-12 audience.
Morningstar-Gray recently received an email stating that she had been selected to receive this award at Kent State University during the Celebration of Alumni and Student Success event in April. She was selected for this award by the Kent State Faculty of the School of Library and Information Sciences. “I was shocked and excited when I read the e-mail,” Morningstar-Gray stated. “I immediately texted my parents and husband to share the amazing news.”
When asked whether or not she expected to receive the award she responded with this statement, “I had no idea! My whole graduate degree was online at Kent, so I never even met many of my professors in person. I’m glad that I made a good impression on the faculty who selected me. Maybe I will have a chance to meet them face to face at the alumni awards dinner.”
It is clear to see that Morningstar-Gray is extremely grateful for this award as she states, “I have to give credit to Ms. Shaffer and our library aides for all they do to keep things running smoothly. Of course, all of the changes have been the result of a great team effort. It’s all about Lakeview students and teachers. I love my job, and it’ s pretty nice when someone notices and lets you know when you’re doing a good job.”
So, the next time you see your librarian, let her know that she’s doing a good job at keeping everything in tip top shape for you and your fellow students at Lakeview.