Express Your Opinion

February 13, 2017
Have you ever wanted to express your thoughts, feelings and beliefs about politics without being judged? Now you can; by attending Lakeview High Schools’ Political Discussion Club. Freshman Andrew Mittelo is who brought this club into action. He says, “My goal of creating this club is to educate people in political matters in an environment that encourages the respect for one another.”
Being a part of this club allows you to voice your opinion on past, present and future political decisions without being judged. The Discussion Club is a judgement free zone. Even though you may have a strong opinion on a topic in politics you have to respect one another’s thoughts.
Mitello hopes this club allows participants to speak and hear all viewpoints, and that they might just learn something new. Opening yourself up to listening to the opinion of another can even widen your viewpoint.
Mitello says seeing another side of something benefits your sense of knowledge, making this club a great opportunity.
Between meetings, students will be required to read material that is assigned each week, which will be discussed on the designated meeting date. The purpose of this is to educate its members in political history and allow an understanding of why our government and others are structured the way they are. Mittelo states, “I encourage you to educate yourself on current political matters; as it is just as important to learn about politics of today as it is to learn about politics two-hundred and forty years ago.” Be a part of this educational experience and join the Political Discussion Club.
The discussions taking place will include not only your personal thoughts, but as well as the questions that are up for debating. At the end of each meeting, time will be set aside to examine current political matters and issues.
Have you ever acknowledged whether you are more conservative or more liberal? Democrat or Republican? Maybe you can find your place at these club meetings when you expose yourself to the new outlooks. Political decisions are being made all around us at all times, whether we notice or not. Allow yourself to be aware of these issues and decisions by joining.
Social Studies teacher Jason Senedak will be the club’s historical consultant, and he will be providing suggestions for material that has made an impact on historic and recent politics today. But if you find material that should be suggested, the group may read it. The first piece that Mittelo chose is “Rules by Which a Great Empire May Be Reduced to a Small One” written by Benjamin Franklin.
The Discussion Club meetings will be after school, in the Media Center, on dates that are soon to be announced.