Scheduling the stress

February 28, 2017
As the days of the 2016-2017 school year begin to dwindle down, students have begun to schedule their classes for the upcoming school year.
The eighth graders are excited to finally be taking high school courses; the freshman are ready to finally move up in the high school food chain; sophomores are scared to see what junior year has to hold (good luck); and the juniors are ready to FINALLY be done with the stress of junior year, eveb though the stress is not over yet.
With the change from year-long courses to almost all CCP courses being semester classes next year, many students have to face the stress of scheduling more classes than they may have intended.
For example, artists will be able to take even more classes with the new CCP Drawing and 2-D Design and female students will be able to unwind from a stressful day by taking a yoga class. Even though there are courses like yoga, students are still forced to plan their entire next year’s schedule in a single, short week.
Who knows if students will change their minds during the rest of this year? Of course, they can try to drop a class and take another, but there is no guaranteed spot.
When asking students how they feel about school and the scheduling one student replied, “School is dumb and stressful and I cry a lot.” If that doesn’t describe most students, I don’t know what does. I wish everyone luck for the rest of this year and for next year and congratulations, seniors, for finally getting out!