Abigail Townsend
March 13, 2017
Name: Abigail Cassandra Townsend
Nicknames: Abs, Abbers, Abby, momma duckling
Birthday: December 3rd, 1998
Best friends: Jackie Smith, Joshua Miller, Olivia Kuzma, Ray Turner, Brynn Anstat, Eryn Lewis, Diana Yanert, Kenny Lam
Greatest (serious) accomplishment in high school: NHS
Theme song: Perfect by Pink
Favorite band/singer: Breaking Benjamin
Favorite sports team: USA girls soccer team
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite restaurant: Hard Rock Café
Favorite open lunch spot: Dairy Queen
Strongest school subject: Music
Sports/clubs: Soccer, art club, ski club, drama club, band, choir, French club, Christian student fellowship, NHS, track
Favorite food: Chocolate
iPhone or Android? iPhone
Post high school plans: Go to college, work at Dairy Queen, and stay weird in a good way.
Something interesting that no one knows about you: My stomach has two different colors on each side in a perfect line.
Plans for summer 2017: Work and make memories with my friends
What quote do you live by? The sun will come out tomorrow
Tell us a joke: Chemistry jokes are sodium funny. I slapped my neon that one.
Advice to underclassmen: Do your best and you will have no regrets because then you know you couldn’t have done any better than all you’ve got
Funniest high school moment: The day Ray Turner said he calculated an error to Ms. Bucko.
If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Shape shifter
Favorite article of clothing: My spiderman leggings
Do you have or would you get a tattoo? If so, what would it be? I’m getting one and I want to get an owl skeleton
What is in your pocket/ purse right now? Chapstick
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? In college still and living with my love of my life
Besides books, what has been in your locker the longest? My baby trashcan
The dumbest piece of trivial information that you know: Camilions change color due to salt crystals in their cells.
If your life was a board game, which would it be? Clue
One thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already: How to deal with rude humans
Three things I would take if stranded on a desert island: Water, food, and a gps phone so someone could get me off the island
What are your fears? Deep water and being alone
What are your pet peeves? People touching me when I don’t know them, when people try to correct me when I’m right, and obnoxious comments that only hurt others and hold a low IQ
Your own bad habits? Making weird noises out of nowhere
What is the meaning of life? To become the best person you can be to help others be shown to God through your light