LHS Students Quench Thirst at New Fountains

Maddison Hughes, Editor

In light of the new 9 weeks, new additions to the school have been made. Over the previous summer Lakeview High added two new water filtration systems. These unique fountains have the ability to filter water while in use.

In addition to its filtering capabilities, the fountain is also able to quickly fill a water bottle hands free. I personally enjoyed this feature during the soccer season due to how quickly it filled my 64 oz. water bottle, as well as how cold the water was.

According to Assistant Principal Michael Detoro, these fountains cost $978.1392 each, roughly $2,000 dollars together. Another unique feature that many like is the constant ounce tracker that tallies each 16 oz. bottle that is filled. Not only is the fountain sterile, it is eco-friendly.

So the next time you think about paying a dollar for a soda or water from the cafeteria, maybe consider your options more clearly and try out the new fountains.