What do TCTC Students Think of TCTC?

October 18, 2018
The Trumbull Career and Technical Center has multiple courses you can take in high school during your junior and senior year. So we asked some TCTC students what the experience is like compared to high school. So my first question was How is the lunch at TCTC compared to the High Schools and according to Kent Sarno A TCTC student he said “It was pretty descent because we had calzone today and it was the best.”
According to Micheal P., another TCTC student, he said “I like the food at TCTC it is definitely better then Lakeview.”
At TCTC their are currently 32 High school programs and all of which you have to get descent grades to get in and for some programs you have to get better then required grades to compete against other schools and classmates to get in.
The next question I have asked is how is the period schedule and Micheal P said ” The period schedule is quite comfortable I feel like I have enough time to get everything done in class.”
Another great thing about TCTC is that it is a great program to get into in high school and it trains you to get a good paying job straight out of high school. Additionally, it gives you the skill you’ll need to get through life.