2019 Senior Top Dog: Justin Nuskievicz

Megan Cross, reporter

Senior, Justin Nuskievicz, or “Nuski/Nugget” as most people know him, is an all around focused and fun person.

Nuskievicz cannot wait to graduate this June, and plans to enter the engineering field after schooling. He does well in school while also holding a part time job at Cole Valley. He often spends his free time playing with his dogs, Charlotte, Melissa, and Bailey. He also loves his kitten, Steve. Nuskievicz has a big barn that holds all of his chickens and pigs! He, “loves them unconditionally.” He also enjoys riding his four wheelers around the yard.

His favorite thing to do after school is mow the grass or play xbox with Demetrios.

When asked what he think of Nuski, Demetrios said, “He’s a great friend. We have a lot of fun!”

Nuskievicz says his favorite high school memory was, “All the fun I had.” Nuski loves to have a good time and his advice for underclassmen is, “You only live once, get wild!”