2019 Senior Top Dog: Darion Warner


Aliyah Jackson, Editor

Senior Darion Warner attended Stow Munroe Falls until third grade before coming here to Lakeview. He has been involved in athletic activities such as basketball and football in his freshmen and sophomore years.

Warner manages to keep busy and keep up with school while working at Coates Car Wash on Elm Road to earn money to pursue his dream of attending barber school after high school to pursue his career in that field.

Maintaining a sharp appearance is important to Warner and he plans to make a living out of helping others look good as well.

When asked who inspires him the most, Warner replied “myself, because of the challenges I’ve overcome on my own.” As a friend of Warner, I myself agree he is a smart and caring individual who overcomes obstacles and is a great role model to others.

Warner strongly believes in moving on to the next phase of life without dwelling on problems of the past. He says “Senior year taught me the people you meet in high school don’t matter and neither does the popularity because out there in the real world you’re just a small fish in a big pond.”

After completing barber school, his future customers will be the best looking fish in that pond.

In the mean time, Warner’s advice to the underclassmen is “Have fun, but not too much fun.”