What do you get a Bulldog for Christmas?

Brandon Hatfield, Reporter

After conducting surveys on various students attending Lakeview, it is safe to say that there is a mode in the group asked: that being the gift of money. Although there were many other gifts favored, money was the most frequent answer.

Many students did not want a gift and just wanted money instead of a gift. Those who selected money over a gift were seniors Anthony Milone, John Silbaugh, Olivia Mathews, Olivia Brown, and Dakota Howard. Only two juniors picked money and they are David Hoover and Natalie Cluckey.

Some students still want the toys of their childhood. Seniors Cameron Bunch and Caleb Stone are in the demand of some legos this year.

With the ever so popular airpods a few students are hoping to acquire a pair.

Senior Lita Ramos stated, “I want to listen to music incognito.”

Junior Kaitlyn DeProfio wants airpods as well.

Surveys were also conducted on staff members.

Assistant Principal Michael DeToro claimed, “I want every senior to graduate for my Christmas wish.”

Business courses teacher Anne Marie Alexander as well had a Christmas wish and that happened to be a new car.

The Lakeview body as a whole deserves everything they wish for because they are who make us the best school in Trumbull county.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!