Lakeview Students Surviving Virtual School

Alivia Oravec, Reporter

Since March 13, Covid-19 has drastically changed all our lives. Many of our normal daily routines have been changed and the most disruptive for students is that school is now being held online not just for Lakeview students but for students all around the world. At the start, Ohio Governor Mike Dewine announced that Ohio schools would have a three week spring break. During that time, many Lakeview students thought we would be back in school April 6th and resume school as usual, going to classes and enjoying all the end of the year activities. But as that date neared, the governor announced that school would be closed until May 1st. At the time of this writing, the state of Pennsylvania has closed schools for the remainder of the year and other states are following suit.

The Bulldog Bulletin surveyed students and teachers to find out how this online schooling is going for them.

The biggest question for  students was do they now prefer to learn in school or online? Before the shutdown, students often said that they didn’t like going to school, but The Bulldog Bulletin found out that’s not the truth. The result came back that 89% of students responding the survey would rather be in school.

In school, everything is focused on learning, but not so at home. Students in grades 11 and 12 liked learning in school better because those older students found home to be too distracting. In fact, 81% of students responding reported being too distracted to learn at home. Perhaps it was because of their phones or games which are restricted at school or perhaps they are distracted by TV or even younger siblings. The majority of students who liked learning at home were in the 9th and 10th grades.

Or perhaps it was the amount of work students felt they were doing. Of those responding, 55% felt they were doing the same amount of work as they previously did in class, but 27% felt they were asked to do more work. The remaining 18% felt they were asked to do less than when in the classroom.

While 9th grader Tracie Shockey said all her teachers are helping her “the same amount,” some students wanted to give a shout out to those teachers going the extra mile.

Another 9th grader, Ella Powers, said her math teacher Dean Shanower has been very helpful in this online learning.

Junior Jeffrey Jiang said English teacher Laura Wood “is definitely killing it trying to help us out.”

Senior Madison Nigrin wanted to give a shout out to statistics teacher Kathleen Pavlansky because “she’s been creating video lessons of the notes to help explain things the same way she would if we were all in the classroom together.”

Senior Liam Boivin said English teacher Carrie Schlatt, “has helped me out so much with my work any time I am confused or need help.”

Senior Lita Ramos appreciates band director Nathan Sensabaugh because he “has scheduled zoom meetings helping us learn the music over video even though we can’t all meet up together to learn our parts. He is still trying to incorporate music in our lives.”

Summing it all up from everyone’s perspective, 9th grader Tessa Lindus said,  “I want to thank any teachers who are going the extra mile because I know they must also be stressed and worried.”

Senior Rocco Bruno agreed for the class of 2020, “All of my teachers are willing to put in extra time if help is needed.”