2022 Top Dog: Kaylee Miller

Brynn Yale, Reporter

Senior Kaylee Miller has been a Bulldog her whole school career. Miller is known for her bubbly and energetic personality for all. Even though there have been many unexpected things that have happened this year, Miller always looks for ways to make everyone and everything more cheerful in her last months at Lakeview.

The thing about the ’22 class is that nothing has been normal for them any year of high school. When Miller gets down about all the things she and her classmates have missed out on it´s important to be thankful for future events such as ¨ …senior sunset and sunrise. Everything is made much more special when you know it’s your last time doing it.

Moving forward, Miller wants to remember her times at Lakeview as being some of the best moments of her early career. She wants to make sure that the underclassmen understand the importance of not taking these years for granted. Miller says, “I wish I knew how fast the time would go as a freshman. If I could go back I would not take a moment for granted and surround myself with the best and most positive people. Never take the time you have left in this school for granted. You will complain, and sometimes rather be anywhere else, but honestly, you will never know how much you will miss it until it is gone. I would do anything to go back in time and never change a thing, just live it again.”

The one thing Miller is most thankful for is the memories she has made with her friends and how much they have helped her through high school. Miller says the thing she will remember the most is, ¨friends and memories that I have made while at Lakeview. I will also remember how amazing it was to watch the people I have known since kindergarten grow up and turn into young adults with such amazing things ahead of them.

Jaycob Whitmore, a senior says, ¨Kaylee is one of my best friends and can always make me laugh no matter what. She gives some of the wisest advice I’ve heard from anyone our age and I’m amazed by how she is constantly able to effortlessly keep a smile on her face.” 

Another one of her friends Brynn Yale who is also a senior says, ¨I don’t know where to start with Kaylee. She has always been my plus one since the beginning of middle school. Our friendship has had its ups and downs but we will and always stand up for one another. She is truly my best friend that I can always count on her for anything. She is one of the most kind-hearted and loving people you will ever meet. I am very proud of all the things she accomplished during her time at Lakeview.”

It´s hard to stay motivated through these tough times that we are in but Miller says the person who inspired her the most is, “Mrs. Hogue. She has been an inspiration to me in the classroom, and as a person. Not only did she teach and help her students very well, but she also taught us life lessons and made us feel welcome every time we needed it the most.”

Miller is looking forward to the future and plans on attending Cleveland State University to major in Nursing. In hopes to start a career as a travel nurse and she can explore the world doing what she loves. Once she settles down, she will continue being in the medical field and helping people in need. Lakeview is wishing Miller good luck and congratulating her on all her accomplishments. We can´t wait for what you can make happen in the future!!