Senior Bulldog Graduation Apprehensions

Carly Hawn, Reporter

With graduation day rapidly approaching, and the year quickly coming to a close, Lakeview High School Senior Bulldogs are beginning to prepare for the big event of graduation. Between final exams, planning graduation parties, preparing for college, and much more, there are a lot of aspects for these Bulldogs to worry about before their final appearance on May 22nd. 

Some feel they are not ready to leave their hometown and the Lakeview community, while others cannot wait to begin the next stage of their lives and create their own path. However, the task of graduating can seem daunting and overwhelming, so many members of the Class of 2022 have shared just what it is that they are nervous about. 

Senior Evan Lenox is most concerned with the weather surrounding graduation day. If it rains, the commencement ceremony will have to be moved which can add a lot of stress. Along with this, some people might not be able to attend. While commencement ceremonies are typically held indoors in the auditorium, Covid-19 introduced a new way to celebrate graduating seniors. 

Due to social distancing, ceremonies have been held outdoors in stadiums all across the country. This year, we luckily no longer have to worry about this issue. However, seniors were given the opportunity to choose where they wanted their ceremony to take place. Since the outdoors would allow for an unlimited number of spectators, the Senior Bulldogs opted for that option. Although, there are consequences to this choice. As mentioned earlier, the weather can change at any moment in northeast Ohio, which can truly rain on their parade. 

 Many students however, Lenox included, are excited, yet nervous regarding the repercussions of an outdoor ceremony. 

“I’m worried it’s going to rain,” Lenox states. “And if it’s rescheduled for the next day, what if it rains AGAIN.”

Another Bulldog, senior Hailee Hoover, has similar concerns surrounding graduation day. While each senior may not be walking across an auditorium stage, they will still have to cross the turf in order to receive their diploma. 

Hoover tells me, “I’m nervous I’m gonna fall onstage.

This fear is very prevalent throughout the rest of the senior class, as it would be extremely embarrassing, yet memorable. This isn’t Hoover’s only apprehension, however.

She also explains, “I’m nervous to move away and leave my friends and family behind.

While not directly related to the act of graduation, Hoover’s nervousness is still extremely valid and remains a common theme among all graduating seniors. 

One of these seniors is Bulldog Teagan Pierce. Pierce has committed to Thiel College in Greenville, Pennsylvania. This is a private university, where she will major in biology and pre-physical therapy. As a result, Pierce worries about the people she will meet and live with for the next four years of her life.

“I’m nervous I’m not gonna make any friends at college,” she explains. “But it’s okay, I have Zach.

Senior Zach Sulc is the only Lakeview Bulldog attending the same university this upcoming fall. He will be attending Thiel College with a major in sports management.

“I am excited to meet new friends,” Sulc remarks. “It will be fun to find new people outside of the community that are similar to me.”

Overall, while there are many anxieties and apprehensions that come with graduation, the Lakeview High School Senior Bulldogs are ultimately excited to take the next step in their educational careers. The community is gearing up for a great graduation and is excited to see where the seniors decide to go. We at the Bulldog Bulletin wish the Class of 2022 the best of luck in their upcoming endeavors.