What Careers Can Bulldogs Do After High School?

Tristan Beil, Reporter

Many students at Lakeview are lost as to what career is calling to them for the future. Being in the fourth quarter it may seem concerning to some, especially seniors, if they have not made up their mind to figure out what career they would like to pursue after graduation. 

To begin, not every career after graduation has to involve college. Recently, Lakeview High School Assistant Principal Michael DeToro  spoke about options for careers after graduation from high school. DeToro stated that, “It’s about 50/50 right now when it comes to students who choose to go straight into the workforce or choose to enter into a college curriculum.” 

This may be an important message for some Lakeview students to hear, because some who don’t feel especially called to college might feel as if they are alone in not wanting to attend a university. The percentage of graduates attending university versus those who take another route to employment is 50/50.

There are also the students that may have an interest in going into the military as a career path after high school. DeToro stated that about “4 or 5 students go into the military” from each class here at Lakeview. This number was at 4 in 2021 but Lakeview “has had as many as 8 students in a single class.” The military is always there as an option after high school, but graduates should certainly know and research what they are getting into!

The methods here at Lakeview may be a little different than other schools when it comes to figuring out what career might be right with a student. With years of experience helping students DeToro stated “We work backwards, from eliminating options first then moving forward to figure out what they might be truly interested in.”

Advice DeToro offers to the students here at Lakeview is “It’s ok to pick something that you might not like; many people change their career over their life. Just go and see what’s out there for you.” 

We also got the opportunity to speak with Lakeview guidance counselors Caitlin Schnurrenberger and Trista Gustus about the subject of choosing a career after high school. When asked about interest based options after high school  Gustus said, “Normally when we start the career exploration process, that’s all through the ASVAB. It’s a really nice career assessment tool to help students develop a career plan/pathway.”

Although the ASVAB may be perceived as more of an entry level military test, it can be extremely beneficial for students to perhaps get a grasp on what may interest them, and see what may be out there for them.

When speaking on options that may be there for a student without an interest in college. Schnurrenberger said, “TCTC is great for students who want to go without college to go straight into the workforce.” TCTC can be extremely beneficial for students to get hands-on experience while still being in high school.

Some students are more motivated by financial gain than others, due to this I asked what those options may be. Schnurrenberger stated on this subject, “How much money you make usually matches with how much education you have, you usually don’t go straight into getting the desired amount of money. That’s not always the case, but happens to be the situation in more cases than not.”

So for students interested in making large amounts of money, pursuing a further education is probably the best option out there. That does not always have to mean college though, it generally does but trade schools are always an option as well.

Many students have wondered how viable college education truly is, and when asked on the subject Schnurrenberger responded with, “For most students it’s useful to continue your education, whether that’s going to a trade school or attaining a more advanced degree.” 

Gustus added, “No matter what pathway you take, college, workforce, or military you are going to have to gain more training, especially if you are interested in advancing financially as well.

Students may wonder about what resources are available out there for this particular subject on careers, Gustus said, “In the Guidance tab on the Lakeview local website you can find a multitude of resources to explore different career options out there.”

Schnurrenberger added, “Take advantage of the resources offered here at Lakeview.”

Finally, when I spoke with Schnurrenbereger and Gustus about advice they might want to offer, Schnurrenberger started with, “If you are not sure what you need or want to do career wise, you need to talk to someone. Whether that be a parent, a counselor here at Lakeview, or someone in a career field of interest.”

Gustus added with, “Any type of job experience is a good experience because you learn those soft skills that help you work with other people. Learning how to work with others is huge.”

Hopefully something was gained for any students struggling here at Lakeview with wondering what career to go into after high school. Remember if you are still struggling you can always reach out to the staff at the school, they are extremely helpful and can assist you greatly in discovering what career path may be calling you.