2022 Top Dog: Morgan Rolley

Caly Lantz, Reporter

Senior Morgan Rolley got one of the later starts to Lakeview as she transitioned to Lakeview Local Schools in the seventh grade. Morgan is very well known around Lakeview High School due to her high involvement in the music programs. 

Rolley writes, “I’m in just about every music program Lakeview has to offer. I served as drum major for the marching band, I play bassoon in symphonic band and first trombone in jazz blue.” 

Additionally, she is Vice President of the Drama Department, she’s a part of the National Honor Society and, from ninth grade to junior year she was part of the cheer team. 

Morgan has made numerous memories over the past four years of high school but a few really stand out. She writes, “In the fall, us seniors in the Drama Department dressed in our fanciest clothes that we could find and went to Mizu before our performance of ‘Crimson House Murder.’ It was funny to see all of the looks we got from the surrounding tables. When people asked us why we were all dressed up, we would make up the most absurd responses.” 

Another memory she will never forget is, “During marching, I was the only senior in my trombone section. I was surrounded by these amazing underclassmen that looked up to me. I loved all our chants before every Friday night football game. I’ll never forget everything those guys have done for me and I’m honored to have the opportunity to grow with them.” 

Rolley is very busy as she not only has to keep up with practicing her instrument but she also currently works two jobs! 

The Rolley family is not taking graduation lightly and in order to celebrate all of her accomplishments, they will be having a graduation party while also traveling to both Italy and Disney. 

Due to her love for music Morgan will be attending Youngstown State University in the fall to major in music education. 

Rolley’s two closest friends are juniors, Josh Reighard and Alex Holden. When asked, they both had nothing but great things to say about her revealing traits about both her character and their friendship. 

Reighard writes saying she is, “the most determined person I know. If she wants something she will work hard to get it. Anywhere from being the first drum major to a cheerleader, to acting in drama club. All while working two jobs outside of school, it’s really remarkable when looking at all she’s accomplished.” 

Holden also wanted to comment saying, “when I was in 8th grade, I was in the play ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’ and Morgan was on the crew. Morgan and I were painting a fence and somehow she made it fun for me. Her optimism is astounding and it’s crazy how she can light up a room just by walking in. Morgan’s going big places and I can’t wait to see it.” 

As her high school career comes to an end, Rolley leaves advice for underclassmen she writes, “Don’t let the hate you might receive from your peers affect you. I’ve received hate for almost my entire high school career, and for the majority of it I let it bother me. I spent so much of high school trying to be a people pleaser that I wasn’t focusing on making myself happy. This year, though, I finally realized that the most important thing about high school is your own enjoyment.” 

To close, Rolley will miss “the phenomenal teachers and staff that have guided me all throughout the years.” She says, “Without them, I wouldn’t be where I am today.” 

Good luck at Youngstown State University, Morgan!