Introducing Lakeview’s 22-23 Publication Staff


Aydin DiBell, Editor

Each new school year The Bulldog Bulletin gets its new staff of fresh faces and returning members.  This year’s staff has 8 returning members who are all seniors as well as 15 new staff members who are a mix of juniors and seniors. This staff is tasked with the job of archiving this year in our life at Lakeview. 

When asked why they chose to take School Pub Senior Michael Burns has “always been interested in having a journalistic type job, and [thinks] this class would help [him] figure out if this career path is truly something [he’d] like to pursue.” 

Senior Daylen Chapman wanted to do School Pub because “I did it last year and I loved it!” and “I’m very excited to start the 2022-2023 yearbook as well.” 

Senior Gianna Caruso decided to take School Pub because she “ heard how much everyone had liked the class.” 

There are quite a few students who decided to take it as a returning senior. Senior Daylen Chapman “came back because it was really fun last year and enjoyed putting the yearbook together and getting more involved with different activities.”

Senior Tara Lytle “liked the class because it was fun being apart of the staff for the yearbook”  

Publications staff member learn a variety of skills beyond just writing articles for The Bulldog Bulletin and that draws students to join.

Senior Ella Chadwick liked  “Taking pictures and getting to put together the yearbook” 

Doing School Pub always keeps you busy with numerous events and activities always needing pictures and coverage, and the staff is looking forward to it.  

Senior Cayden Buhala is “looking forward to reporting about all types of events going on around the school.” 

Junior Saige Muresan said “looking for the memories I will make in and outside of this class by just taking pictures.”

Senior Kylie Schwartz is also excited to “Be able to capture memories for our senior year.” 

It’s not all fun and games though, there are several difficult aspects to School Pub that some staff members are worried about.  

Junior Izabelle Haines thinks “Writing good articles and making them interesting” will be the hardest part this year. 

Senior Sydney Poptic believes the hardest part is “Figuring out how to use the yearbook and newspaper programs.” 

Senior Lola English is interested in learning how the staff will “balance work between the newspaper and yearbook.”

School pub is broken mainly into two parts: the yearbook and newspaper. Each has its own skill set. 

With article writing you need to be able to get answers from a wide variety of people and then properly organize them in an entertaining article. 

For the yearbook you need to be able to get good photos of all the events at Lakeview as well as the people. From there you need to get quotes from those people and relate them back to the theme overall for the yearbook. Then they need to be organized in an aesthetically pleasing way, and finally you have a yearbook page. 

When asked, our staff prefers the yearbook at 94.1% over the newspaper at 5.9%.

Chapman prefers yearbook “because it’s fun to see all the photos and create something that everyone will look back on someday.” 

Burns also prefers yearbook says “It’s much more fun to try and work out themes, try to branch off of those themes, and just trying to capture an overall feeling for the entire school year.” 

Senior Cayden Buhala likes the newspaper better saying “I like working on newspapers the best because I get to interact with my fellow classmates.” 

Caruso thinks “the yearbook is going to be more fun, seeing all the pictures from everyone at school and creating a nice year book filled with memories.” 

With either publication, staff members start off with a blank page and end with a memory created just for the students of Lakeview High School.