2023 Top Dog: Tara Lytle

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Sydney Poptic, Reporter

Senior Tara Lytle is ready to approach her next steps as she moves into the next chapter of her life. Lytle has attended Lakeview her whole life and has made many friends and memories throughout her years as a Lakeview student. As her high school life comes to an end she plans on attending Kent State University as an Xray Tech.

Lytle has made tons of memories and things to carry with her as she moves into the next chapter of her life. 

Lytle says, “I will never forget the first football game as a freshman, the fear of being yelled at by the upperclassman and making sure I was always cheering. I always will remember how hard I tried on the first theme for the first football game my freshman year.”

Lytle will never forget her Junior year prom as she states, “definitely prom my junior year, it was the most fun dance I have attended and it wasn’t hot because we had air conditioning. I got to have so much fun with my friends, and I also was on prom court so that was pretty cool.” 

If Lytle had to redo one year of high school she would redo sophomore year. Lytle states, “I would redo Sophomore year because we did not have a full year because of covid. We didn’t have normal classes, or even normal sports. We had to wear a mask for the whole year and it just didn’t even feel like a school year.”

Throughout Lytle’s high school career guidance counselor Caitlin Schnurrenberger has impacted her the most. Lytle says, “ She has been with me all these years and would help me in a heartbeat if I asked her. She has never let me down when I needed her.” Lytle also says, “I will miss her the most outside of high school and she will be the one I will never forget.”

Lytle has made a lot of friends throughout high school and will continue to hopefully talk to them when she leaves Lakeview. 

Seniors Brooke Schneider and Lexi Busefink are the people she says she will miss the most after high school. She says, “My friends have helped me through school since freshman year and have helped me overcome things I have gone through, inside and out of school, and I will for sure miss them so much after high school. I hope to never lose touch.”

In 5 years a lot will change. In those years Lytle sees herself graduating from college and hoping to have a good paying job by then. In 10 years she sees herself being married and hopefully starting a family. 

Lytle has made so many memories and will always cherish them. She will always remember being a Bulldog. She says, “I will always remember being a bulldog. My volleyball career started and ended here and I was so thankful that I became the player I am today. I will always remember the #3 jersey I wore to represent Lakeview High School and being a Bulldog.” 

Good luck to 2023 senior Tara Lytle as she is closing out her high school career!