Lakeview Seniors, Mark Your Calendars!

Gianna Caruso, Reporter

As the 2023 school year comes to an end, there are many events for the senior class to look forward to. There is the senior class trip, prom, commencement rehearsals, and more.

This year the Senior class trip will kick off the end-of-year festivities. On May 5th, the seniors will be heading to Kennywood amusement park.

Senior Alissa Brewer said about the upcoming senior trip,  “ I am super excited about the class trip to Kennywood. I think it is a great place to have fun. Personally, I love roller coasters, and I know I am going to have so much fun. It will also be exciting to go and spend time with my friends having fun outside of school.”

Senior Ella Chadwick is looking forward to the trip. “I like where the class trip is for the Senior class this year. I love roller coasters, and so do many of my classmates as well. It will be a great place for everyone to go and have fun.”

Senior Aubree Rumancik said, “I think the class trip is a good opportunity for people who love roller coasters to go and have a lot of fun. I think the school picked a great spot to let the seniors make one more amazing memory before they walk across the stage.”

May 12th will be a busy day. Start your morning at the Junior/Senior class pancake breakfast. Your amazing yearbook staff will be serving up a great breakfast. Later that 

Also, on May 12th will be the Junior and Senior Prom.

Brewer said,  “I am super excited about prom coming up. Last year was so fun, and I think this year will be as fun as last year. I love the process of getting ready and going to take pictures before going to the event. I can’t wait to have one last dance of my senior year and just go have fun with my friends. These are memories that I will remember forever. “ 

Chadwick said, “I am really excited about prom this year. I think it will be a lot of fun getting to hang out with my friends and getting to do things the day of and after prom.”

May 17, 2023, is the Baccalaureate, which is held at St. Robert’s Church.

On May 19, 2023, the senior class will have their senior brunch and a mandatory commencement ceremony. We will practice the procedures for the commencement ceremony, which will be held on May 21st.  This rehearsal is mandatory for the senior class; students cannot walk at graduation if they do not attend. 

Brewer said, looking forward to the graduation, I am more nervous than excited because it will be a new normal in life not having to come to high school. I will miss my friends a lot, but I think it will be nice but also scary going to a college because I have never gone to one before.”

Rumancik said,  “I am excited to graduate and get out of high school. I think it will be very cool to experience something new and get out into the real world. It will help me grow as a person and become more independent on my own.”

Chadwick stated, “ I am excited but also nervous about graduation. I had a fun senior year, and it did go by fast. I will for sure miss my friends here back at home as I continue going on to bigger things after I graduate.”

The most important day to mark on your calendar is May 21, 2023 graduation day here at Lakeview High School.

As stressful as the next few months can be, take time to enjoy this special time as your high school career comes to an end. Good Luck to the Class of 2023.