Top Dog 2023: Tristan Salyard

Daylen Chapman, Reporter

As the third quarter is coming to an end and seniors are approaching their final semester at Lakeview High School, senior Tristan Salyard is soaking up her last months as a Bulldog. Salyard has attended Lakeview schools since kindergarten, and she is very excited to begin the next chapter of her life.

After graduation, Salyard plans to go to college at West Virginia University to study Forensic Science and Psychology. Salyard plans on moving to West Virginia after high school. However, Salyard says, “After college I plan to live in a bigger city where there is more crime.” 

Salyard’s goal is to work for either the FBI, CIA, or NIS some day. Salyard said that her “love for puzzles and solving problems, and loving true crime” helped her figure out her future plans.

Graduation is approaching fast and there are and have been many lasts this school year. Salyard is really going to miss the “school spirit on game days and the administration” at Lakeview. 

While taking on high school it can be difficult to enjoy the little things that you have in front of you. If Salyard could tell her freshman self on thing it would be “not be so serious all the time and to enjoy high school because it’s true that it goes by quickly.” 

The COVID-19 pandemic affected every high schooler heavily, including Salyard. If she could change one thing about her high school career it would be so that COVID-19 never happened. Salyard states her biggest obstacle she had to overcome in school was, “getting though my sophomore year in the middle of a pandemic.”

That never stopped Salyard though. Her motivation to do her work never stopped. Salyard was able to manage her time though her activities, taking on drama, basketball, marching band, and bowling throughout her high school career.

Salyard’s favorite high school year was her junior or senior year. She says,classes weren’t super hard and I got good grades in them, I also got into new athletics and became President of the Drama Club.”

Finding your path through high school is an obstacle but with great teachers and friends you can easily make it through. However, people will come and go throughout your life, and Salyard lets us see her outlook on it.

Salyard said, I stand by the whole, “some people come into your life for a reason and others for a season”; what I mean by this is that I have had a lot of people come into my life in high school and a lot out and they have all served some kind of purpose either way.”

Salyard tells us about her bowling coach Dean Shanower, and how he’s as made an impact on her life. She says, Mr. Shanower was my bowling coach my Senior year and he taught me a lot on how to handle bad games/frames throughout the season that help me in real life too when it comes to handling my emotions.”

One moment Salyard shares that she will never forget about Lakeview is, “getting the highest average on the girls bowling team, and getting into the girls conference team.” 

We wish you the best of luck Tristan! Make the most out of the time you have left here at Lakeview!