The Lakeview Bulldogs are coming up on the end of the first quarter. So far there have been many memorable events and many more to come throughout the year. Throughout the many changes and arrangements made this year such as new teachers and dropped classes, Bulldogs are still thriving.
Many positive accomplishments have been made from the football team, girls and boys soccer, tennis, golf, the band, and events like homecoming. The first quarter ends on October 22nd. Students should be working hard and getting assignments turned in to end off the grading period with good grades.
Lakeview High school Principal, Lawrence Herrholtz, has some encouraging words for the students: “I think the first quarter grades will be excellent and the students that want to succeed will. We have great students and good kids and I’m very optimistic about how the first quarter will turn out.”
Herrholtz was very admin on advising students to ask questions when in doubt: “My advice to students is to ask more questions, the kids that ask the most do the most learning. If you’re struggling don’t hesitate to ask questions. Teachers are more than happy to help.”
Herrholtz enjoyed the many events that have occurred in the first quarter so far but this was his favorite: “Pep rallies and watching our 8th and 9th graders get into our school culture and watch the cheerleaders, football players and band perform and play games.”
Everyone seems to be very optimistic and excited for the first quarter to come to an end. Interim reports were positive and students should carry that on throughout the year.
Lakeview High School Assistant Principal Michael Detoro also has a good insight as to how the quarter will end: “The first quarter usually brings one of two things to our students. There is a subset of students that will be rewarded for a strong start to the academic year with a solid report card. The opposite will happen for another subset of students. Their poor work ethic or lack of preparation will lead to an awful report card. The positive to me is that everyone gets a second chance during the next grading period and everyone still has a chance to succeed.”
Detoro gives some good advice to students , “Control what you can control. Identify any missing assignments that are still outstanding and attack those first. Staying organized is half the battle.”
Detoro claims his favorite part from this first quarter was the color wars and the homecoming pep rally: “My favorite event during the first quarter was the Friday before homecoming. It was neat to see all of the students wearing different colors to denote their grade level at the assembly. I also enjoyed the faculty and staff wearing football jerseys. The cheerleaders planned an excellent assembly, the band sounded fantastic, and the game of musical chairs was funny.”
The Bulldogs guidance office is always working hard to improve students grades, and make sure students stay on track.
Lakeview High School guidance counselor, Caitlin Schnurrenberger has a positive outlook on how she thinks the first quarter will go: “Our students typically do well in the first quarter. Students start off the school year excited for a fresh start and motivated to do well and this is reflected in their grades. Mrs. Gustas and I intervene with students who do not do well in the first quarter and try and help them get on track so they are successful the rest of the school year.”
Schnurrenberger also gave some encouraging advice to students: “If you are on track, continue what you are doing – stay focused and finish the quarter strong. If you are not on track, TALK TO YOUR TEACHER. They are your best resources and biggest supporters. Make-up the work you can and do not allow yourself to get into any bigger of a hole.”
Schnurrenberger also seemed to favor Bulldog pep rallies: “My favorite event is our Pep Rallies – specifically when our cheerleaders lead the student body in the “Victory Cry”!”
Overall it seems the bulldogs are off to a good school year. The first quarter’s coming to a positive end.