It is officially fall when cross country meets begin. This year the Lady Bulldogs have jumped right into the season. As soon as track and field ends, cross country begins.The team is led by Coach Bryce Nalbach. Coach Nalbach is an alumni from Lakeview! He has been coaching since 2022. Since he’s become head coach he has taken home third place at conference consecutively for the past two years. He has also coached two all-conference runners. Nalbach is beloved by all his student athletes. Especially the girls cross country team.
Before the season officially starts, Nalbach gathers his girls and trains as soon as track ends. They all put work in during those hot summer days and nights to become what they are. Some attended cross country camp to get an extra head start this season. If not, others were working with Nalbach or attending Band Festivities! All these girls have put in the work to reach the end of the season on a positive note.
The team consists of Senior Alexandria Marra, Senior Leah Fabry, Junior Jayln DeLeon, Freshman Isabella Oravec, and Freshman Aurora Sensabaugh. Marra and Fabry have been running for three years. DeLeon has been running since middle school. Oravec and Sensabaugh ran in middle school and continued their passion for running into highschool. DeLeon is the cross country team captain. She has been working with Nalbach as her coach on and off season.
DeLeon says, “I’ve done fairly well this season, I’m hoping for first at conference and a PR.” We’re all rooting for you! Conference is the 14th of October if anyone is interested in coming out to support our Lady Dogs!
With the season dwindling down to conferences already, there has been quite the season. With a very small team it’s hard to find team success at these meets. Nalbach is proud of his girls, but finds it challenging to compete with a team of only 5. He encourages everyone even slightly interested in cross country to join!
“No matter the size of the team our goals stay the same. We try to get the best out of each athlete. With individual success comes team success. Come out and try for a week! It can be an extremely rewarding adventure!” Nalbach is very enthusiastic! Speaking from experience, everyone should at least try cross country for a week.
With that being said, it is also Marra and Fabry’s last year of cross country. Nalbach said they had been running for about 3 years, with their season coming to an end they have experienced the highs and lows of high school cross country. Marra finished off the season with a 24:33 PR and Fabry ended the season with 24:17 as her PR. DeLeon has completed the season with a 20:20 PR. Oravec and Sensabaugh currently have 24:19 and a 24:03 PR’s.
I spoke to Oravec and this is what she had to say about her first year of high school cross country, “Our team started training in June and we’ve been working hard ever since. We all push each other to better each other while running. It was cool coming onto a team with girls from all different grades who all share the enjoyment of running. I am most likely out for the season due to a medical issue. I encourage more girls to join this team next year because this is a fun sport, the team is full of great kids, and it can help you reach your full potential.” Just as Nalbach encouraged, join cross country!
Although, there is still about a month left in the season! The seniors on the team are sad the season has come to an almost end so soon. While DeLeon is excited for what the season may bring this last month. The freshmen are just getting started, with a whole three years ahead of them, their running careers are looking bright!