With the new year starting up, people are starting to work on and create their New Year’s resolutions. A New Year’s resolution is a tradition that most people do to start off their year. It is when a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or improve their behavior. Some people make resolutions to eat healthier, workout, read more books, be more outgoing, or even learn how to cook!
At Lakeview High School, students are full of New Year’s resolutions. Some students may have their resolution as keeping good grades or focusing more on school. One of the most popular and common New Year’s resolutions is improving fitness and staying fit. Trying to find a New Year’s resolution may be hard for you, but may come easier for others. Here at Lakeview, students Ali Parise, Maddie Pompoco, and Olivia Petrilla all have their New Year’s resolutions ready!
There are so many different resolutions people can make to accomplish through the new year. Sophomore Ali Parise shared her New Year’s resolution being, “I want my New Year’s resolution to be to take as many online CCP classes as possible. I want to get a head start for college and I think taking as many as I can will help me a lot.”
Parise also talks about how she has already started this resolution, sharing that, “We have already started scheduling for next year classes and I have signed up for a couple of online CCP classes which will do wonders for college!”
Another Sophomore Maddie Pompoco, tells her New Year’s Resolution when asked what it was, saying, “My New Year’s Resolution would definitely be to keep straight A’s the rest of this school year and next school year! I know that I really need to focus on school and my grades in order to have a successful future!”
Pompoco also shares how another one of her resolutions would be, “Getting a job is something I need to work on. I think getting a job is very important because it will help me tremendously. To achieve this goal I will need to start looking and applying to places, so that I can accomplish this resolution.”
Junior Olivia Petrilla has a similar resolution being that she wants to get good grades. Students at Lakeview High School really shoot to be great students by making their goals school related. We love to see our students setting goals to get good grades, it shows how much they care about their academic career!
Petrilla shares how her grades matter to her a lot, stating, “I really want to work on keeping my grades up this year. This will definitely require me to study more and focus more on school which I guarantee won’t be that hard.”
Petrilla also talks about the challenge that she will probably have for next school year with all of the college classes she will be taking, saying that, “It may be a little hard next school year because the courses will be more complex because they will mostly be college classes, but I will definitely try my best!”
As you can see, people’s New Year’s resolutions may differ depending on what they want to change about themselves or anything in their life. These Lakeview High School students really show dedication to their schoolwork, making their resolutions about keeping their grades up and thinking about their future! Setting a resolution for yourself for the new year can bring lots of success to your life. If you have created a resolution for this year, I hope that you succeed with whatever it is!