The members of the National Honors Society are able to bring back the important and essential blood drive event this coming March 4th.Due to Covid, 2020 was the last year Lakeview hosted a blood drive event. These events are brought on by the American Red Cross. Lakeview students are now able to bring back the blood drive event.
Senior Ava Foertch explains, “I have been a member of the National Honors Society for 2 years now. Last year we did not host a blood drive event. I am glad to be bringing back this life changing event. I am also glad I am going to be a part of this experience.”
On January 28, 2025, the National Honors Society had an important meeting. In this specific meeting, a representative from the American Red Cross attended and spoke about the blood drive event.
Foertch adds, “The American Red Cross talked about numerous topics about hosting this event. First, the representative talked about how there are specific reasons on why they allow high school students to donate their blood. Every 2 seconds, someone in America needs blood. It is found that high school students’ blood is healthier and younger than someone who is older.”
There are many reasons why high school students should volunteer to donate their blood if possible.
Foertch includes, “During the presentation from the American Red Cross, I learned that 20 percent of blood donations are collected at high school blood drive events within the community. I also learned that high school blood drive partners are a crucial and essential link in the chain of getting blood from these donors to patients who are in need of it.”
This event does not take place until March 4, however, there are many things that need to be done before then. For instance, there are numerous ways Lakeview students are able to spread the news about the upcoming blood drive.
Senior and National Honors Society member, Mara Schmader, says, “From the presentation from the American Red Cross, I learned a lot about different ways to bring the upcoming event to the student body and how to get them more involved and interested. One of the ways we could include more of the student body would be to show school spirit. Creating a theme for this event will allow all students to want to become involved.”
There are also many other ways National Honors Society members can get the whole student body involved.
Schmader adds, “We are able to go from class to class talking all about the upcoming blood drive. We are also able to speak at lunches about this event or even post on Lakeview websites. By doing these things, we will be able to explain why donating is important.
Students will then be able to understand why donating blood at our school blood drive is essential and important.
Schmader includes, “Students will be able to understand that by donating blood you are helping people that are in need. If students donate, it counts towards their community service hours and gives back to the community. These students are most importantly saving lives!”
However, students that are looking into donating blood, there are many steps you must follow before the day you donate.
Senior and National Honors Society member, Adrienne Rich, talks about the importance of following the steps before donating: “During the presentation, there are multiple steps to do days in advance before you donate blood. The American Red Cross representative talked about how you should get at least 8 hours of sleep the night before, eat a good breakfast with iron rich foods, and drink plenty of water. These steps are essential for having a good experience while donating.”
Members of the National Honors Society are excited to host, work, or donate at their first blood drive since 2020!