Although an individual student may not be a part of an established school club or school sport, they can still represent Lakeview through actions and character. Even without a school team, young athletes are still representing our school in numerous ways, showcasing their discipline, sportsmanship, pride, and values wherever they compete.
Despite Lakeview not having a team for swimming or wrestling, we still have 3 wrestlers and 1 swimmer representing our school through their sport. Because we don’t have school teams, these students are responsible for their sport, whether it’s showing up to their practices or competing in a competition.
Our swimmer, freshmen Isabel Moss has practice Monday through Thursday at 6:30-8:30, at Warren G Harding high school. She attends meets on Fridays or weekends. One of our wrestlers, sophomore Aurora Hall, has practice every week day.
While they may not know it, these girls are building their school pride by participating outside of school teams! Their success in their sports can be inspiring to others to contribute to overall school spirit.
Due to the lack of school team availability, these girls were responsible for finding an alternative team to pursue their sport. Moss says, “I love going to meets with the Warren team, and being able to be a part of a team, although they are not representing Lakeview. And I also love getting personal records.”
Her passion for her sport started at a young age, and her commitment has brought not only personal achievements, but also recognition to her school. “I have been swimming for 10 years in the summer and about 2 for winter, 10 years overall.”
Moss’ dedication, passion, and hard work is truly inspiring to Lakeview. Like Moss, Hall also shows great dedication to her sport too. Attending practice everyday and keeping motivated for her sport.
Hall states, “I love how everyone is there for each other and the coaches really make the sport enjoyable. Also it feels very rewarding especially after winning a match.” She also shared that the coaches and the people in the sport are what make it most enjoyable for her.
Both Moss and Hall are showing their individual contributions to a larger community. Even without an official school team, both girls show how it’s possible to represent their school through their achievements.
Students like Moss and Hall set a good example for Lakeview on how pursuing personal interests and transcending the boundaries of school infrastructure can bring great recognition and representation to the individual themselves, as well as their school, in any setting.
This kind of representation is highly motivating to peers who may feel as if they are limited for their interests due to the lack of school clubs and teams. Being able to see Moss and Hall achieve great things while also representing their school should be looked at as a leadership example. It shows how students can achieve greatness through commitment and also bring honor to their schools through their own personal interests.
Hopefully through sharing these girls’ dedication to their outside of school interests, it is able to motivate their peers to consider getting into an activity that they enjoy. Although you may not be presented with the opportunity in school to be able to support your school, remember that you are a Lakeview student and we all represent our school as a community! Some students represent Lakeview through volunteering, getting involved with community service projects, which showcases our students commitment to helping others. And plenty of our students represent our school through their academic excellence, getting good grades and receiving awards!
These girls’ journeys have a bigger impact on Lakeview than they think. Lakeview’s honor is greatly impacted by the character of its students who represent their school inside and outside of the classrooms!